
The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Two Months

Two months from today I will be flying home to the US. Wow.

A few weeks ago, we had our Close Of Service conference in Valle de Angeles. It was the first time that the entire group of people who flew down together in 2008 got to be back together since our training months. It was really fun to see everyone, and talk about the last two years, and we got alot of information on job hunting in the US, resume writing and interviewing. Apparently, it will be inappropriate to us Spanglish when in an interview...guess I have to practice my English again. We also spent time talking about how to wrap-up everything in our communities. It's hard to imagine how you say goodbye to people who have been your family and friends for the last two years...and who we may never see again. This is going to be an interesting, and tough, transition!
As for my work right now, I'm really just trying to tie everything up. We finished our girls group, which has been really fun. I am also working really hard with our Yo Merezco team to finish up a working curriculum/manual for our pre-teen boys abstinence and health initiative. We are also just finding out the training schedule for the new peace corps trainees who are flying in this month. So, at some point, I will be able to meet them and help with a part of their training.

I forgot! I'm also now 26 years old. So, thanks for the birthday wishes everyone sent my way. I had a great day and ate lots of yummy food.

That's all for now, I'll see everyone soon :)