
The contents of this Web site are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Phase 2

Yesterday, I talked to my (real) mom on the phone and she told me to stop neglecting my blog. Sorry mom! The days seem to be flying by here and I find it surprisingly difficult to write emails, letters and blog posts. But, I will try and do a little catching up today. I have lots of things I could talk about...so here is some of the top news from my life right now...

1. Tomorrow we begin the next phase of our training, called Field Based Training. Our group will get split up by project, and each smaller group will be heading to a different city to spend 6 weeks getting more technical training. My group, health, is headed to La Paz. From what I have heard, it´s a nice city...but very warm...so I will be leaving all my sweatshirts here in Santa Lucia!

2. Last weekend all the trainees got sent to visit actual volunteers who are in the field, working. I was in a city called La Esperanza, it was really fun to get to meet other volunteers and see what life is like when you are finally out in the communities, and have more control over your own life! During the visit I got to help translate for a medical brigaide who came down to the area. It was interesting, albeit a little odd... but definitely a great chance to practice my medical spanish. The volunteer I was visiting also took me with her to a kind of shelter/bunker thingy attached to the local hospital where pregnant mommies come for the last few weeks or days before the give birth. She chatted about breast feeding, nutrition and family planning...and it was great to be there with her. I love pregnant ladies, and the more I think about it, the more I hope this is the area where I will be able to work about focus during my service.

3. Doing laundry is hard. I learned how to wash it by hand at my host family´s house. My host mom likes to watch me do it and laugh at my poor technique. There was also a similar situation the other night when she taught me how to make corn tortillas. She kept laughing because mine just didnt seem to be forming into nice little appetizing circles...but Im getting the hang of it! My host mom is very nice and patient with teaching me how to do things that come very easily to her. My whole family is very nice and try to make me feel at home...
host family #1 has set the bar pretty high... so we´ll see how it goes for the next six weeks with a new family... :)

4. I got a cell phone!!! The number (calling from the US) is 011-504-9660-9194. Calls and texts are always welcome!

I think that is a pretty good summary of the last week or so. I have still managed to avoid getting sick...knock on wood... which makes life much happier and easier! haha
I will try and be a better blogger when we are on FBT. Wish me luck with the move, and the new host family!
Much love

PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

EndlessNumberedDays said...

Hey Anna,

I was reading your last entry and was envisioning what you're experiencing...it sounds fantastic! We have something to send you, by the way, so make sure and post your new address when you get there!:)

Glad to hear you're doing well and avoiding sickness (always a good thing)!
